Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The faith that God rewards

"And he did not many might works there because of their unbelief" (Mat 13:58).

When Jesus went into his hometown he preached the word of God with authority and did mighty works. But the people that were familiar with him and his family were skeptical of him. In fact the bible says that they took offense at him. In other words they had an attitude that said, "Who does he think he is coming into town thinking he can preach to us?" We know his family and he's nobody special." Because of this attitude Matthew wrote, "And he did not many might works there because of their unbelief." Notice that their lack of faith, which resulted in them not experiencing many mighty works, was due to their low view of who Jesus was.

There are many today that believe that faith is nothing more than positive thinking. They believe that if you just believe it you can achieve it. But true faith is as good as its object. True faith is not faith in faith. The quality of your faith is not about how much faith you have in your own faith. The quality of your faith is dependent upon what you think about Jesus. The reason that the people in Jesus' hometown didn't experience the mighty works of Jesus was not because they failed to claim them by faith but because of their inadequate view of Jesus. They saw him not as the son of God but as just an ordinary man. The faith that moves mountains is a faith the has a high and holy view of God. The author of Hebrews wrote, "But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him" (Hebrews 11:6). The faith that God rewards is not a faith that sees God as a glorified Santa Clause who grants every wish on our Christmas list. The faith that God rewards is the faith that diligently seeks God for who He is. The reason that many churches and Christian are not experiencing the mighty works of God is because of their low view of who God is. When we begin to see and know God for who he is we will trust him to do in us and through us what only He can do. Paul wrote, “So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God” (Rom. 10:17).

Do you desire a faith that will experience the mighty works of God? Get in the word of God in order that you might get to know the God of the word. The more you know Him the more that you will love Him. And the more you love Him the more you will trust Him. And the more you trust him the more you will obey Him. True faith is not about getting God to do what we want. True faith leads a person to trust God in order that he might do his mighty works through us to the glory of His name.

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