Wednesday, February 9, 2011

What's influencing your decisions today, self or the Savior?

"So the men took some of their provisions, but did not ask counsel from the LORD" (Joshua 9:14).

The children of Israel made an ill advised covenant with the Gibeonites. It was ill advised because God had commanded them to war against the Gibeonites and the other evil inhabitants of the promise land. But the Gibeonites deceived the Israelites by pretending to be foreigners. This bad decision, that no doubt led to major problems, could have been avoided if they had sought the counsel of the Lord. This failure to seek God's counsel was one of the main causes of Israel's greatest problems and defeats.

It appears that one of the reasons that they didn't seek the counsel of God first was because of selfish motivations. To often we too allow advantage, self interest and selfish ambition to influence our decisions and control our lives. What's influencing your decisions today, self or the savior? Seek the counsel, cause and glory of the Lord.

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