Tuesday, June 19, 2012


"When Joseph's brothers saw that their father was dead, they said, "It may be that Joseph will hate us and pay us back for all the evil that we did to him" (Gen. 50:15).

Although Joseph had forgiven his brothers for their sin against him, they did not feel secure. They feared that he was determine to pay them back for what they did to him. But they had Joseph all wrong. He had not only fully forgiven them he was fully committed to looking out for their best interest. Joseph's willingness to forgive his brothers is a reflection of the wonderful grace and mercy of God. In addition to their wrong view of Joseph, his brothers probably still had unresolved guilt regarding their past sin. What they needed to do was make things right with God, seek his forgiveness and rest in His grace and mercy. Do you have feelings of guilt and insecurity?  Make things right with God and others to the best of your ability. But above all rest in the love of God demonstrated on the cross where Jesus shed His blood for you. Amen!

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