Monday, July 23, 2012

Seek the glory of God

"And let them make me a sanctuary, that I may dwell in their midst. 9 Exactly as I show you concerning the pattern of the tabernacle, and of all its furniture, so you shall make it" (Ex. 25:8-9).

God commanded Moses and His people to build a tabernacle where He could dwell and commune with them. In addition, he gave them a very specific pattern for how it was to be constructed. When the tabernacle was completed in accordance with God's design, his glorious presence would fill the place. Today, God doesn't dwell in tents, but He does dwell in the hearts of His people. And His glory can be and must be manifested in His body, which is the church. When His glory is not seen in the church, the church looses it's power to effect change in the world. Sadly, when people go to church today they're looking for everything, but the glory of God. We look for things like entertaining music, abundance of programs, dramas, comedy, etc. And because many churches believe that success means drawing a bigger crowd, they are more concern with giving people what they're looking for then they are the glory of God.

The manifest glory of God, as it relates to the church, has to do with God's beauty and power being seen in the church. We can manufacture things like good music by human means, but we can't manufacture the glory of God. What we can do is follow the pattern that God has set in His word for what the church is to major on (i.e. worship, prayer and the word) and give ourselves wholly to it. May we give ourselves to seeking the glory of God.

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