Monday, September 3, 2012

Don't jump ship

"Paul said to the centurion and the soldiers, "Unless these men stay in the ship, you cannot be saved" (Acts 27:31).

Paul was arrested in Jerusalem for his faith and appealed his case to Caesar. Although it seemed like evil would triumph, God revealed to Paul that it was his will for him to go to Rome for the sake of the gospel. Now, as Paul traveled to Rome by ship under Roman guard, which provided protection from his persecutors, they encountered a severe storm. As the ship was nearing land, some on board were about to abandon ship when Paul spoke up and said, "Unless these men stay in the ship, you cannot be saved." God had revealed to Paul not only that his life would be spared, but also everyone else who stayed on board. Often when people find themselves in a difficult place they feel that the answer is to jump ship. But jumping ship may be jumping outside of God's will, which is the last place we need to be. Jesus is the captain of life's ship. Stay on board with Him and His power will work all things out for good in your life.

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