Friday, September 7, 2012

The danger of idolatry

"Wherefore, my dearly beloved, flee from idolatry" (1 Cor. 10:14).

The warning Paul gave to the Corinthian believers in his day is a warning that we must heed with the same urgency that Paul expressed when he wrote, "flee from idolatry." In order to heed this warning we must understand that idolatry is more than bowing down to an image or a statue that represents a false god. An idol can be anything in our lives that takes the place of God, or trying to find in something or somebody what we can only find in God. The danger of having an idol or idols in our lives is that idolatry robs us from the satisfaction, security, and acceptance that is found when we look to Jesus and his finish work on the cross to meet the deepest needs of our hearts. If we r going to flee from idolatry we must first identify our idols. "Here's one way to get your idols into focus: simply think about whatever it is in your life that, if u lost it, would make u want to quit living. Or, to put it positively, what are you really living for? Ultimately, if it's anything or anyone other than Jesus, then it's become an idol" (T.T). Flee from idolatry into the loving arms of Jesus.

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