Saturday, October 20, 2012

He is faithful and worthy of our trust

"So we see that they were unable to enter because of unbelief" (Hebrews 3:19). 

In this passage of scripture the author of Hebrews is illustrating the necessity of persevering in faith.  The majority of the children of Israel that came out of Egypt did not enter the promised land because of unbelief. Consequently, they not only wandered in the wilderness for forty years, but they died without ever possessing the land. The bible clearly teaches that we are not only saved by faith, but we are to walk by faith. Without faith it is impossible to please God (Heb. 11:6). All that God desires for us, whether it has to do with how we live our lives or how we serve his kingdom must be achieved by faith. But many Christians today are not fully possessing all that God desires for their lives because of a lack of faith or a misunderstanding of what true faith is. 

Once again the author of Hebrews wrote, "But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. "(Hebrews 11:6 KJV). Faith is coming to God believing that He is who he says he is and will do what he promised, namely reward those who diligently seek him. The faith necessary to progress in our Christian walk and to possess all that God desires for us is not faith in faith or believe it and you can achieve it. Faith is believing God. In the context of the kind of faith that can move mountains, that believes God in prayer to do the impossible Jesus said, "Have faith in God, " (Mark 11:22). 

Hudson Taylor, pioneer missionary to China, said the Jesus' words in Mark 11:22, "Have faith in God," could be translated, "Hold on to the faithfulness of God." 

D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones, former pastor of London's Westminister Chapel, appreciated Taylor's insight and said: "Faith is holding on to the faithfulness of God and, as long as you do that, you cannot go wrong. Faith does not look at the difficulties...Faith does not look at itself or at the person who is exercising it. Faith looks at God..Faith is interested in God only, and it talks about God and it praises God and it extols the virtues of God. The measure of the strength of a man's faith, always, is ultimately the measure of his knowledge of God...He knows God so well that he can rest on the knowledge. And it is the prayers of such a man that are answered." 

Sometimes we feel like throwing in the towel because we focus on ourselves or our circumstances and fail to diligently seek The Lord. O how we must Keep looking to Jesus the author and finisher of our faith lest we get weary and faint in our minds. He is faithful and worthy of your trust!

"He's been faithful"
Brooklyn Tabernacle choir

In My Own Suffering

Through Every Pain Every Tear

There's A God Who's Been Faithful To Me

When My Strength Was All Gone
When My Heart Had No Song
Still In Love He's Proved Faithful To Me

Every Word He's Promised Is True
What I Thought Was Impossible 
I've Seen My God Do

He's Been Faithful
Faithful To Me
Looking Back He's Love And Mercy I See
Though In My Heart I Have Questioned
And Failed To Believe
He's Been Faithful, Faithful To Me

When My Heart Looked Away
The Many Times I Could Not Pray
Still My God Was Faithful To Me

The Days Are Spent So Selfishly 
Reaching Out For What Pleased Me
Even Then God Was Faithful To Me

Every Time I Come Back To Him
He Is Waiting For Open Arms
And I See Once Again

He's Been Faithful
Faithful To Me
Looking Back He's Love And Mercy I See
Though In My Heart I Have Questioned
Even Failed To Believe
Yet He's Been Faithful, Faithful To Me

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