Monday, December 31, 2018

He’s worthy of your very best

“When you offer blind animals in sacrifice, is that not evil?

“When you offer blind animals in sacrifice, is that not evil? And when you offer those that are lame or sick, is that not evil? Present that to your governor; will he accept you or show you favor? says the Lord of hosts.” Malachi 1:8

The spiritual leaders in Malachi’s day got to a place where their service in the temple was just a job. They were going through the motions of religion with no real reverence for God. They were supposed to be working for God, but they got to a place where they were working for themselves. As a result, they were taking care of themselves first and offering to God much less than the best. In fact, they were giving him the damaged and the broken.  They were giving him what they didn’t want.  God’s response, “Present that to your governor; will he accept you or show you favor? says the Lord of hosts” (Malachi 1:8). 

Why is it today that Christians arrive at their secular jobs on time everyday, get up early to do so, and go to work when they don’t feel like it or up to it, but when it comes to working for God, they're a no call no show. Yet they expect God’s favor.  Christians give their employers a full/honest day’s work, are not showing up when they please or calling in every other week, because if they did, they wouldn’t have a job. 

But ministry is more than a job. When we serve others through various ministries we are serving King Jesus. We are serving the one who came into the world not to be served, but to serve and give His life as a ransom for many. 

However far to many professing Christians today, if they do give anytime in the service of the Lord, do so only if it’s convenient. Although we’ve been called to take up our cross and follow Him, far too many American Christians are making little or no sacrifice for God. They work hard for their employer, but they don’t work hard for God. 

We make sacrifices to have things we want, like working extra hours, but we can’t make it to a prayer meeting on a Wednesday night. But I’m just too busy Pastor. Too busy doing what, living for self, watching TV? If we are too busy for God, we’re too busy. 

For His honor and glory we need to make time to serve our King. This may require some major adjustments to our lives and sacrifice. You may need to get a different job to make time for God, even if that means lower pay, or working  less hours. You may need to move closer to the church so that you can make better use of the precious time that God has given you to serve His people well. This may require you to sell your dream home so that you can be more available for God. Someone said, God is not looking for great ability, as much as great availability. But the truth is many are too caught up and distracted by the things of this world. Others are just plain lazy and need to get off the couch.  

God gave His best when He gave us His Son. His Son gave His life to rescue us from our sin so that we might enjoy God and serve Him in a way that honors Him. May we do whatever it takes to give King Jesus nothing less than the very best of our time, talents and treasure. He is worthy of it all. 

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