Tuesday, December 25, 2018

When a very great assembly gathered and wept bitterly

“While Ezra prayed and made confession, weeping and casting himself down before the house of God, a very great assembly of men, women, and children, gathered to him out of Israel, for the people wept bitterly.” Ezra 10:1

What draws the largest assembly of Christians today? One of the largest gatherings that I’ve seen first hand was at a Passion conference. Over 40,000 young people gathered to listen to great speakers and worship leaders at a pro football stadium. The messages were great, the music fantastic and the technological effects were spectacular. No doubt many young people were saved and stirred up to live for God. 

But there was also an entertainment value and big name speakers that drew many of those young people to such a large gathering. I’m glad that many heard some good gospel preaching. I’m not knocking it. 

However, I don’t recall seeing any tears. I’m sure there were some tears, but I didn’t see them. I saw lots of enthusiasm and excitement, and heard some great singing and shouting, but no tears. 

There’s a whole lot to cry about today in our sin sick and fallen world. I’m convinced from reading the scriptures and church history that when there is a mighty move of the Holy Spirit, who is especially grieved by the sin in our world, there will be lots of tears, bitter tears of brokenness and repentance. 

In Ezra’s day when he was deeply grieved, appalled and ashamed because of the sin of God’s people, he wept before the house of God. But not just Ezra, men, women and children gathered with him grieved with bitter tears over their sin. Men, women and children. 

Why Christmas? From a biblical stand point it has nothing to do with Ho Ho Ho and boughs of holly (green decorations). It has to do with a an Almighty God who is Holy Holy Holy. Sin stirred the wrath of a Holy God, grieved the Holy Spirit of God, and compelled Jesus, the Son of God, in love to take on flesh to save sinners. If Christmas had never taken place we would be without hope and without God in this world headed for eternal destruction away from the presence of a Holy God forever (Thessalonians 1:5-10). Many today are on that road including our love ones. That alone is something to weep and anguish over in prayer before God. 

Two Salvation Army officers set out to found a new work, only to meet with failure and opposition. Frustrated and tired they appealed to the General to close the rescue mission. General Booth, who God used to bring many souls to Christ, sent back a telegram with two words on it, "TRY TEARS." They followed his advice and they witnessed a mighty revival.

Why so few of those tears today, which apart from we will see no revival as there was in Ezra’s day and William Booth’s day (See previous post)? Advertise a Christian concert featuring a Christian band you hear on K love and you will fill the church building. Call for a prayer meeting in your average church and see how many show up? Until we first see assemblies gathered together like in Ezra’s day, there will be no revival, no real move of God that makes an eternal difference in our homes, communities and world. We must allow God to break us once again . Make it so Lord, make it so. 

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