Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Effect change by first asking and allowing God to change you.

"And now, my daughter, fear not; I will do to thee all that thou requirest: for all the city of my people doth know that thou art a virtuous woman" (Ruth 3:11).

The events in the book of Ruth took place during the times of the Judges known also as the dark ages of the Israelites. But in Ruth we learn of the compelling godly testimonies of the lives of individuals like Ruth, Naomi and Boaz who were shining lights in the midst of darkness. They were bright lights that helped to dispel the darkness of their day. Boaz gave the following testimony of Ruth, "...for all the city of my people doth know that thou art a virtuous woman" (Ruth 3:11). In other words the whole city she lived in was impacted by her virtuous life.

In his article entitled, "Prayer that changes me," Daniel Henderson wrote, "The problem in our world is not the pervasiveness of the darkness. It is the failure of the light. As we pray, we should not focus on praying against the darkness but for a greater experience of the life and light of Jesus Christ. Light always decimates darkness. As prayer changes us, we become more radiant and powerful agents of the light of the Gospel" (Daniel Henderson).

Too often we are focused on how much others need to change rather then on the changes that we need to make in our own lives. The best way to effect change is by first focusing on the changes that we need to make in our own lives. So before you ask God to change others, make sure you're praying about the changes he wants you to make in your own life. Effect change by first asking and allowing God to change you.

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