Saturday, July 17, 2010

Fisher's of men

"Jesus said unto Simon, Fear not; from henceforth thou shalt catch men" (Luke 5:10).

After Jesus had ceased speaking to the people on shore from a boat he said to Simon, "Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught" (Luke 5:4. Although Simon and his crew had labored all night trying to catch some fish with zero success, Simon said to Jesus, "nevertheless, at thy word I will let down the net." After letting down the net, to their astonishment, they caught a multitude of fish. They caught so many fish that they had to call for another boat to help bring them in. After witnessing this miracle catch, Peter fell to his knees before the Lord and said, "Depart from me; for I am a sinful man, O Lord." Jesus responded, "Fear not; from henceforth thou shalt catch men." In this statement Jesus was revealing to Simon Peter that we was being prepared and called into a new line of work. His new mission in life was no longer going to be fishing for fish but for men or in other words to bring men to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. There are some great lessons that we can learn from this story about evangelism. First of all the calling to catch men for Jesus is not reserved for the spiritually elite. Peter and the other disciples were not theologians or scholars. These men were ordinary men that God used to do extraordinary things because they were willing to take God at his word. If you're a Christian God is calling you into the business of catching men and women for Jesus Christ. God desires for you to reach people in your fishing hole--in your circle of influence. If we would do some fishing God will work some miracles. The bait is your changed life coupled with the saving power of the gospel. If we desire to see multitudes coming to Christ believers must be willing to take God at his word and launch out into the deep. We need to be willing to come out of our comfort zone and trust God to do in us and through us what only he can do. Its time that Christians launch out of the church where their laboring but catching nothing and go where the fish are. The church will not see souls miraculously and abundantly saved unless they go fishing in the right place. The fish are not coming to us. We need to go where the fish are and start letting down our nets. Our part is to go fishing. God will do the miracles. Let's go do some fishing. The following is an acronym using the word fish to help us to remember the work that God is calling all believers to:

Find someone God wants you to reach
Invest intheir lives.
Share your faith and your church.
Help them grow and reproduce

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