Friday, June 24, 2011

"Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy yout

"Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth..." (Ecc. 12:1). In Ecclesiastes Solomon has written about his search for the meaning of life based on an earthly perspective. In others words the conclusions that he has reached for the most part are based on what he physically observed and personally experienced through out his life. One of his conclusions that he reaches in the book of Ecclesiastes was that "childhood and youth are vanity" (Ecc 11:10). He said this because young people for the most part possess much energy, passion and strength to go after their hearts desires (Ecc. 11:9). But if their energies, passions and strengths are not governed by the fact that one day they will have to give an account to their creator, they can end up wasting their youth on trivial pursuits.

Young people want to be free to experience pleasure. There is nothing wrong with wanting to experience pleasure and have fun. God created pleasure. But freedom to seek pleasure and have fun without boundaries leads to bondage. Solomon wrote, "Remember thy Creator in th days of thy youth." Don't wait until the years rob you of the passion, energy and strength that you possess to live for God. Jesus deserves the best of our lives. Remember Jesus when your young. Seek to please him in all you do. Anything less will be a waste of your youth.

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