Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Seek first to be wise not happy

Happy is the man that findeth wisdom..." (Prov 3:13).

In this Proverb we learn that happiness is a byproduct of finding wisdom. What is wisdom? Wisdom is the ability to make godly choices. But many people today are pursuing happiness at the expense of making wise choices. We disregard the truth and what is the right thing to do in God's eyes because we want to be happy now. And although we might experience temporary pleasure from choices that are devoid of wisdom they end up bringing more unhappiness and regret to our lives.

Typically when we make unwise choices because we want to be happy now (i.e. trading in your used car for a new one you can't afford) you find a way to talk yourself into it. You lie to yourself and say things like, "Everything is going to work out." But when you've been paying that car note for 12 months and you still have 48 more months to go happiness moves out and burden moves in. Seek to be wise first and happiness will follow and stick with you.

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